Thursday, November 24, 2022



Catholic Apostolic Church in North America         

       Office of the Presiding Bishop

               December 22, 2022


My Sisters and Brothers,


Christmas is the season that demonstrate God is present in us and in the world, working for our healing and growth, our direction and our comfort, our reconciliation, and our redemption. This is the fundamental Christmas message that was to those who came before us and most especially to us in this time of unrest.


New life is breathed into our hearts at Christmas, infusing faith and genuine hope, and love so we may start afresh. We are once again called to believe in God who first believed in us; enough to send God’s son Jesus to be born as one of us, showing us how to be centered in God and that we too can be perfect just like Jesus. What a gift to humanity. It is this gift that began the well-known and much advertised tradition of gift giving. Also, the message of Christmas is one of love, peace, and goodwill to all.


It is no secret that we face many threats and challenges daily, enough to cause the best and most resilient to question God’s presence. The Christmas message frees us from all those anxieties and fears, transforming them into optimistic and hope-filled expressions of a better tomorrow. Let us summon our resolve to be confident in the power of God to change the world through

             Jesus born in that Bethlehem stable.


In the comforting words of the angels to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for see I am bringing you good news of great joy for all peoples to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord….”

Jesus is the light of the world every day of the year. As our gift of love, let us

be the extension of that light and love to all those we encounter.


A very blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with love and peace to our CACINA family and to the whole world.


             Your Servant in Christ

+ Michael Theogene

            Presiding Bishop CACINA   


+ Michael Theogene

            Presiding Bishop CACINA   


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