Saturday, July 30, 2022


Announcing the Retirement of Bishop Ron Stephens

Bishop Ron Stephens has announced his retirement effective immediately.

Bishop Ron has led the Diocese of Holy Trinity for the past several years.  He also served as Presiding Bishop of CACINA several years ago.

We thank God for Bishop Ron's service and leadership in the church, and we will continue to count on Bishop Ron's calm, pastoral presence and wisdom as a retired bishop in CACINA.

We also continue our prayers for Bishop Ron as he continues to struggle with some major heart problems that continue to threaten his life.

God bless you, and thank you Bishop Ron for giving so much of yourself for the greater good of Christ's Church

Combining of San Damiano Diocese with Holy Trinity Diocese


With the retirement of Bishops Santore and Stephens, the College of Bishops has directed that the Diocese of San Damiano be combined with the Diocese of Holy Trinity.  Bishop Michael Theogene will serve as Diocesan Bishop and Bishop Monica Kennedy will continue to serve as Auxiliary Bishop of Diocese of Holy Trinity and all parishes and missions of Diocese of San Damiano will become parishes and missions of Diocese of Holy Trinity.Our national church web site will be updated to reflect these changes in the near future.
Thank you for your patience and support as the newly elected take on their positions and the logistics of realignment are put in place.

Announcing CACINA'S  New Presiding Bishop

The CACINA College of Bishops gives thanks to Bishop Anthony Santore for his many years of service in the role of Presiding Bishop.  Bishop Santore announced his plan to retire last month and the College of Bishops has elected Bishop Michael Theogene as the CACINA's next Presiding Bishop.
If you need to reach the Presiding Bishop, you may contact Bishop Theogene at 646-226-2322 or
 “Listen with the ear of your heart”
          St. Benedict

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ it is with deep humility that I amsharing with you that the College of Bishops has elected me to be the next Presiding Bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church in North America. This is a great responsibility and I hope that I may truly be a faithful servant to our God and to our people. CACINA is a family, and this family is a team, and I cannot do it alone but together by the grace of God we will be guided by the Holy Spirit, witnessing the unconditional love of God for all people   As your shepherd I intend to follow Jesus’ example of courage,openness, risk, dedication, trust, and sacrifice going forward into the future as a community, drawing others to CACINA spreading the Good News of love and inclusiveness. My dream is to continue the quality and stability we have had over the years. This stability will give us all we need to work toward growth and positive change. I ask for your prayers and guidance as we embark this challenge together on challenge together  +Michael

Announcing CACINA'S  New Chancellor

With the election of Bishop Michael Theogene as CACINA's new Presiding Bishop, the position of Chancellor was opened.

The College of Bishops elected Father Michael Ellis to the position of Chancellor.

Father Ellis said, "I am honored, and, with God's help and that of my CACINA family, will do my best to serve the needs of our faith community."

If you have any business to address with the Chancellor, you may reach Father Ellis at 802-556-1629 or

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