Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunday Livestream for November 8th, 2020

The meaning of Jesus’ parables can be difficult [and discomfiting] to discern. And the meaning is polyvalent [multi-faceted]. One can read into them almost anything. The parable we read today should be a clarion call to “be prepared” for the coming of Jesus at the end of times. And even if we think the end times are far, far away, my own personal end (death) may come when I least expect it. So it can be a fruitful exercise to read these parables in terms of my own death: Am I prepared for that? How would I live on this earth if today were my last? Or if this week were my last? Would my priorities shift? This kind of exercise can clarify our own priorities and behaviors. Jesus reminds us that the fools are the ones who were not prepared for the coming of the master. Let us be like the wise ones, attentive to the coming of the Lord, for we know not when that day might be. - Living Liturgy

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