Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sunday Live Stream for All Saints Day, 2020

Holiness and sanctity can seem so out of reach when we have as examples those whose lives are so different from the vast majority. Sanctity is not a prize given to those who complete a marathon, something most people cannot do. Instead, sanctity is something each of us is called to. Holiness is something each Christian can live. It is nothing more than living the paschal mystery, a daily dying to self so that we put others before us. Family members practice this daily! (Or at least they have many chances to practice this each day.) When parents sacrifice their own wants for the sake of their children, or when siblings put the needs of their brothers and sisters before their own, these are acts of sanctity. It is through such acts that we live the gospel passage today as “peacemakers.” Division and strife are not marks of sanctity; unity and peace are. Let us live the gospel message toady and, in so doing, live the paschal mystery into our own sanctity. - Living Liturgy

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