Saturday, September 12, 2020

Sunday Livestream: September 13th, 2020

Grudges are awful things. They can gnaw away at the one harboring them. We may hear “forgive but don’t forget” as a way to remind ourselves of past transgressions we’ve suffered. But today’s gospel calls us to a higher standard. The forgiveness we’ve experienced (worth a hundred million dollars – something we cannot repay) should motivate us to be free with forgiveness when others wrong us. We cannot dole out forgiveness in infinitesimal pieces only to those we deem worthy once some rectification has been made. Instead, forgiveness ought to be given freely, [especially when sincere contrition has been offered, true remorse has been shown, and just restitution paid.]

We must die to grudges, slights, rudeness, and other transgressions we’ve suffered and rise to a sense of freedom that comes through forgiving as we’ve been forgiven. Jesus himself warns us in a negative way (via negativa) that if we withhold [human] forgiveness, [divine forgiveness] will be withheld from us. And the consequences of that are severe indeed. – Living Liturgy

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You can also join the Zoom Meeting by entering the URL below into you browser.

Meeting ID: 879 4662 7908

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